Tuesday 20 September 2011


So the only other blog I've ever tried was way back when Xanga was the new Myspace, and even then I think I updated it with scintillating anecdotes such as "I ate meat lovers pizza today---I prefer hawaiian" (yes, I've been a foodie from a young age), so I have no idea if this will succeed, if I will enjoy it, or even if  anyone will ever read it. HOWEVER; having been told that I need a cooking blog after the umpteesquillionth (I do food better than math, but I'm pretty sure that should be a number) time that I posted an update on facebook that was wholly food-related, I have decided that I should at least give it a go.

So. Here I am. Giving it a go. Tomorrow I will make something interesting and post it here.

Also, to anyone who will actually read this, do you want the recipes? Do you care?

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